What a wonderful National Championship Weekend in Nastola. Pixie was a part of TSAUs team. We had four dogs in our team Petri Mannonen and Bordercollie Fleet, Santtu Stenberg and bc Rairai, Pixie and I, Taija Salokannel and Iisi. Our team did the fast clean runs and got GOLD in team championships. This was our first clean run in big competitions and our first medal in National Champion level. This was a big win to me and my dog and of course to the whole team. Feeling just amazing to finally succeed in a big competition.
I have to thank you Tanja Kotti and Leena Piira to helping Pixie to become better again!!! All our coaches Janita and Jaakko from One Mind Dogs. We are finally starting to find right way to work together still lot to do but it nice to have little prize for all the hard we have done. We want to thank you Acana and Orijen for providing the best nutrition to my Queen. Here is our super run
from the team championships:
In National Championships we did a pretty nice run with one fault and we were first dog out of final but I was really pleased with our work during the whole weekend. We worked as a team and Pixie's jumping had improved miles from the work she has done so far. Her body isn't still perfect since her sick leave but we are getting there. Things are done right and it is starting to so in our work. I think this weekend you could see our totally improvement in agility. My vision and work have started work to our favor. Thank you to our jumping trainer class!! Lots of thinking have changed. It is process that is still going on. I like where this journey has started to take.
Here is our run in the jumping course in National Championships:
In few weeks we have National Team tryouts. I can't wait!!! We are so ready for them!! I have the feeling we have finally have found our team work. It has taken 6 years. Too long for Pixie, she could have been super dog but she needed to wait for me to develop to be worth of her skills. We have found a flow feeling.... We will cherish it as long as we can and Pixie has healthy year ahead.
That's all for now... Next time we will see do we ticket to Spain ;D ;D ;D