Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Freya is home

Last few days have been very busy. Freya came home on Saturday. Puppy has been doing super fine. She has been really brave. My girls have been little cold with her but little by little warming up to our new comer. These first few days I have tried to teach Freya her name and basic recall. I have also started clicker training her with a trick and sit cue. It has been so interesting to see how she react to all these new things. I have also started to train her play with all shorts of different toys.

Socialization work has also begun with different visits. Freya has met few of friends and traveled in the car for few times. We also did a visit to a farm where Freya saw sheep, chickens and horses. She also got to watch my friends dog do herding. Freya was really brave. She followed the sheep with no fear and even smelled a horse from her leg and nose while she was on the ground. Yesterday we went to see how agility competition looks like. Freya was with me when I walked the course. She such a brave girl yet again.

Clicker training has been started with going to a box game. Freya got the idea really fast. Other things I have been shaping is sit and standing. Sit is actually starting to be under a cue. So we can start train a little bit of duration. She has been really easy to work with and tries already nicely. I plan to shape her a lot trick to make her shaping savvy. Then I hope to start building some competition movement. I have also done some core muscle work. Freya has been doing climbing on to a uneven surfaces that move. Yet again she has been super!!

This post was a little bit about Freya's new life in Finland. My old dogs have been working also in their own sports.

That's all for now!! Thank you Jane for this perfect and crazy puppy!!! 

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