Freya my youngest dog was raised with Orijen Puppy. Now she and my oldest dog eats Acana Adult Dog. This has only oats as a grain. This has been good basic food for active senior and growing young dog. Freya has been so far a dog that can eat almost anything. Nothing upsets her stomach. Freya is also so greedy that kibble can be used to training which helps to keep her in shape. At this point I have considered a more high energy food for her. She seems to have super energy burning age so we will see what I will get her next. Here are pics from Freya doing tricks Acana kibble:
Freya and high five trick!
Freya also has made her first run a unofficial competition. She was super good!! She waited in the start and did a nice clear round. She didn't get any prizes because she ran in medium height jumps. Freya hasn't jump a course higher than 50 cm so didn't want to make her do it in a new environment. She had enough new things to smell and watch. Here is a video of our first round:
That's all for now!!!
Loving all your photos - they are wonderful! Your pets are all enjoying their poses and they looked so nice and happy. Orijen is an excellent dog food and most of my friends do give this to their pooches. I've read a lot about dog foods and yes, they are not equal. Make sure you buy from trusted brands only - avoid products from countries with no clear high standards as guide. For more information, this link has the answer to most dog-related questions. See this awsome link: